New Year, no more excuses!
Folks, we are now several weeks into the New Year and that means we still have 48 weeks in 2020 to make the magic happen. Now, that’s my way of telling you that if you didn’t bother to create a self-growth plan for the New Year, or you dropped the ball already, it’s okay. What’s not okay is to do nothing! Here is what I suggest. Let’s become known for our excellence in our particular areas of expertise. Wouldn’t that be an incredible reputation to have at home and at work? You’re probably thinking, yeah, Michelle, but how do I become excellent at something?
First, assess your life at work and at home and make a list of what’s working really well, what’s not, and what you would like to change. Mediocrity is the product of coasting month after month and accepting that excellence is beyond your grasp. That’s just plain old sad. So, let me help you get some “right thinking” going on… Start with your professional life and ask yourself if you are happy and if not, why not? Are you being valued? Are you using your talents and skills? (There is a difference between talents and skills, by the way. Talents are those innate gifts that you were born with and skills are acquired.) Try to incorporate a blend of both and you will undoubtedly become very creative and valuable in the workplace. Next, look at your personal life and ask yourself if the relationships that mean something to you are being nurtured. How much are you depositing in the emotional bank account these days? Remember, it’s impossible to keep withdrawing and not depositing; eventually, you run out of funds! Acquire new information in your field. Stay current and ahead of the trends. READ. READ. READ.
Be selective about what you read and who you are listening to and ask yourself if this is a subject matter expert. Do your research. Personally, I want to read something and think BOOM!!! I want to be motivated to transform my thinking and my behaviors. Aristotle once said that excellence is an art won by training and habituation. He said we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit. Slow down. Work on the small details that end up being the big details. Now…time to start. If you are not sure where or how to begin and need a business coach, go to my contact page and we can start your journey together. No more excuses!