Michelle Thierfelder Holden
My passion is teaching others to communicate effectively and to live the richest life possible with the best tools at their disposal. That’s where my expertise comes into play–teaching others the power of executive presence. Putting your best foot forward and making an exceptional first impression includes learning how to dress with polish, speak comfortably in a variety of situations, and dine like a diplomat (whether you are having a lunch interview or are just at the boss’s Super Bowl party, you need to know the rules!). I am a communications expert and I thrive on teaching professionals to communicate effectively. My goal is for you to become the best version of yourself.
Michelle has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, a Master’s of Science Degree in Strategic Leadership, she is DISC certified and is a Competent Communicator, Competent Leader, and Distinguished Toastmaster in Toastmasters International. She is also a certified coach in Intercultural Etiquette and Protocol by the world renowned Protocol School of Washington.
Education & Certifications
Distinguished Toastmaster Area Director (Nashville and Chattanooga, TN), 2022
DISC Certified DISC Expert, 2019
The Protocol School of Washington Certified Expert, International Etiquette and Protocol, 2019
Mountain State University
Master’s Degree, Organizational Leadership and Development, 2012
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Bachelor of Arts Degree, Communications, 1985
Activities & Affiliations
• Toastmasters International
• Alpha Chi Omega
Michelle’s What:
It is my deepest wish to build women’s self-esteem and empower them by providing the necessary tools and direction to create the meaningful life they are meant to live.