2020 has been one for the books! I would say, “How much more can we possibly take?” but, I’m afraid that could trigger a swarm of locusts or some other phenomenon. Instead, I’ll do what I do best – search for the silver lining and spotlight the possibilities. An hour ago, I was invited to listen in on a “Chase Chat” call with Damon John and three small business owners who told their Covid-19 success stories. These business owners warmed my heart and renewed my spirit with their incredible stories of quickly revamping, pivoting, and positioning themselves for victory. I searched for the common thread between a protocol school, a sudsy laundromat, and a distillery and came up with a short list of common practices. First, they quickly assessed the situation. Second, they found out what the new “need” was, and, third, they got busy supplying it! By the end of the call, I was optimistic that all three of these businesses had found new revenue streams that would ensure their future survival and growth long after the quarantine was over. Lastly, these entrepreneurs didn’t stand on the dock waiting for their ship to come in… they swam out to meet it! You may not have a business that is gasping for air, but what about you? Could you use a re-vamp? It made me wonder what each of us could do right now – today – to make sure we are successful in 2020 despite a global pandemic, self-quarantine, scavenger hunting for toilet paper, rioting in the streets, and job uncertainty?
Forget businesses for a minute. Instead, focus on yourself. We still have six months to turn 2020 into a dramatic year of personal growth. What if there were 12 very doable steps to help ensure that YOU thrived this year and increased your “happiness factor”? Would you follow them? I think we could all use a little “happy” right about now. Fortunately for you, I’m going to share those 12 steps with you and you can get started immediately.
STEP ONE: Make your bed every morning upon rising. This one is more important than you know! It sets the stage for an organized day, eliminates visual chaos, and is a small accomplishment that sets the tone for the rest of the day.
STEP TWO: Use a reminder app to hold you accountable for a daily “to do” list. (Before bed make a “sticky note” list of activities that you want to accomplish the following day and then read it in the morning after making your bed).
STEP THREE: Do a few minutes of stretching before leaving your bedroom. Afterall, you’ve been dormant for several hours and it’s time to get that body moving! Yogi’s say stretching your arms wide open and opening your chest, opens your heart to possibilities … I just think it feels great and it helps release pent-up energy.
STEP FOUR: BREATHE. This is so simple but, many of us are very shallow breathers. Take a few deep breathes and center yourself for the day as you get dressed. Think good thoughts. Tell yourself (out loud) “Today will be a great day!”
STEP FIVE: Turn off the news … It is a psychological fact that the news is depressing! Read captions and quick sound bites, that’s usually enough to get the drift of what’s going on in the world. God knows everyone else will talk about it all day long.
STEP SIX: Learn to be okay being uncomfortable. It’s natural to not want to make a hard phone call or to not want to have a hard conversation but do it anyway. You will feel strong and realize how capable you are. The only way to get used to doing difficult tasks or being uncomfortable is to put yourself in that position repeatedly and desensitize yourself to the “flinch factor.” If you have been wanting to do something that frightens you like starting a business, going for a promotion, trying some new activity, or pursuing a relationship, give yourself a pep talk and dive in!
STEP SEVEN: Save money. Even if it’s just two dollars a week, get in the habit of putting something aside for a rainy day; it’s so much better than an umbrella. One day you will be surprised to find that your little nest egg has grown to something that grabs your attention.
STEP EIGHT: Choose the people that get to have a leading role in your life. You may not have much say over your boss’s attitude but be picky about who you spend your free time with – it influences your mood. This rule holds true for your doctors, dentists, insurance agent, etc. Life is too short to spend it dreading someone’s company. Find friends and professionals who you respect and who support and uplift you. They are worth keeping around!
STEP NINE: Download a Language app on your phone. You may be confused by this one. There are a few reasons for this suggestion – I have found instead of being impatient when I am stuck waiting somewhere, I pull out my phone and do 15 minutes here and there of French on my Memrise app. Also, there is a theory about laying new tracks in the brain while learning a language. I’m not a doctor, but supposedly it is a great way to keep your mind nimble and prevent Alzheimer’s!
STEP TEN: Read before bed. Turn the phone off at night and pick up a good book. Get those poor eyes off phone screens and computer screens. Help yourself get a good nights’ sleep. The eye doctor told me this next generation is already exhibiting signs of higher contact and eyeglass prescriptions due to screen time. 35-40 minutes before bed the brain needs to calm down and relax. You will find that after reading, you will find it easier to fall asleep quickly because you haven’t been staring at screens that exude harmful blue light.
STEP ELEVEN: Drink a substantial amount of water all day long. Sleep with a water bottle next to your bed and drink a tall glass of water before going to sleep; it keeps you hydrated and is cardio-protective!
STEP TWELVE: Be Thankful. Each day be thankful, intentionally, for all of the wonderful things in your life. If life has dealt you lemons, you may have to really stop and think about it but, there is ALWAYS something good to be found!
Now, if this list doesn’t appeal to you, make up your own. You know better than anyone else what you need to do! We all have the same 24 hours in a day at our disposal. Let’s turn this ship around! Swim out to it! Embrace change and create a new storyline where you are the main character and there is a happily ever after in 2020.😊